Uncover their insights into the intricate interplay between society and nature within Irish historical contexts.
Rundale Agrarian Commune: Marx and Engels on primitive communism in Ireland and its internal dynamics
Dr. Eamonn Slater, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. Funded by the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Word count ABSTRACT: In the following account we apply a Marxist ‘mode of production’ framework that attempts to create a better understanding of the complex relationships between society and…
The ‘Collops’of the Rundale: their evolving ecological and communal forms.
Dr. Eamonn Slater, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. Number of Words: 1650Estimated Reading Time: ~8-10 minutes Introduction In this article, I want to outline the crucial role that the administrative device of the collop played in the Rundale system of farming. Although it was essentially a measurement of agricultural…
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The Sprawling Global Lawns of the Emerald Isle: A Dialectical Unfolding.
Dr. Eamonn Slater. Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. Key words: Marx, labour process, metabolic rift, Benjamin, aesthetic veneer, externalisation. Number of Words:Estimated Reading Time: ~ 0 – 0 minutes Abstract: This article explores how the suburban front lawn is a special type of space, where society metabolizes with nature. Involved…
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The Suburban front Garden – a spatial entity determined by social and natural processes.
Eamonn Slater and Michel Peillon. Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. KEY WORDS: society-nature relationships, space, visuality, gardening, labour processes. Number of Words:Estimated Reading Time: ~ 0 – 0 minutes ABSTRACT In this article, we argue that the physical structure of the front garden and its ecosystem is…
Reconstructing ‘Nature’ as a Picturesque theme park: The colonial case of Ireland.
Dr. Eamonn Slater, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. Number of Words: 7065Estimated Reading Time: ~28-35 minutes This article explores how a form of visuality—the picturesque—became the essential framework for the emergence of theme parks on the landed estates of Anglo-Irish landlords during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.…
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Marx on colonial Ireland: the dialectics of colonialism
Dr. Eamonn Slater (Department of Sociology, Maynooth University) Abstract: This article provides a new insight into Marx’s’ understanding of colonialism. In highlighting the method of dialectical inquiry used by Marx in an undelivered speech document (November 1867) it reveals how the essential structure of British colonial domination of Ireland, was not just…
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Marx on Nineteenth Century Colonial Ireland: Analyzing Colonialism as a Social Process.
Eamonn Slater (Department of Sociology, Maynooth University) and Terrence McDonough (Department of Economics, NUIGalway). Abstract In this article, we explore the possibility that Marx had a far more complex understanding of the colonialization of Ireland than can be accounted for by Dependency theory. This insight is provided by an examination…
How Engels and Marx analysed climate and climate change dialectically.
Dr. Eamonn Slater, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. KEYWORDS: climate system, dialectical nature, interconnecting processes, deforestation, desertification, immediate and remote consequences, Ireland.. Word count 7,850. As ‘Nature works dialectically’, Engels and Marx analyse climate and climate change dialectically. ‘Unsystematic philosophizing can only be expected to give expression to personal peculiarities…
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Marx on the colonization of Irish soil.
Marx on the colonization of Irish soil Eamonn Slater Department of Sociology, Maynooth University Estimated reading time: 60 minutes. Contains 21150 words. Abstract This paper explores how Marx conceptualised the presence of soil exhaustion within the first half of nineteenth century Ireland. It is a period of Irish history, according to…
Report of a speech by Karl Marx
International Workingmen’s Association 1867Record of Speech by Karl Marx On the Irish Question Source: MECW Volume 21, p. 317;First published: in Marx and Engels, Collected Works, 2nd Russian Edition, 1960. This record of Marx’s speech on the Irish question on December 16, 1867 was made by Eccarius. It was intended…
Record of speech by Karl Marx
International Workingmen’s Association 1867 Record of Speech by Karl Marx On the Irish Question Source: MECW Volume 21, p. 317;First published: in Marx and Engels, Collected Works, 2nd Russian Edition, 1960. This record of Marx’s speech on the Irish question on December 16, 1867 was made by Eccarius. It was intended for the journal Der Vorbote and was…
Outline of a Report on the Irish Question to the CEA of German Workers in London
On 26th November 1867, Marx was to give a talk to the First International meeting but due to ill health he did not talk on the Irish Question. However, he wrote a small outline for this meeting (6 printed pages) which this is a reproduction. Although short and much of it…
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Engels on Ireland’s Dialectics of Nature
Dr. Eamonn Slater, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland. Key words: dialectics, metabolizing organic processes, natural conditions, Ireland. Word count Abstract: This article surveys an unpublished piece in which Engels examined the ecological conditions of Ireland in a chapter, entitled the “Natural Conditions” in his unfinished History of Ireland. This is…
Engels and Marx on dialectically determined reality and the dire consequences for Nature of our failure to recognize it.
Eamonn Slater and Eoin Flaherty Department of Sociology, Maynooth University. Number of Words: 20021Estimated Reading Time: ~80 minutes 3.5.2024. (Working version, being edited) Engels and Marx on dialectically determined realityDownload The ‘bewitched’ world of everyday things: Engels and Marx on dialectically determined reality and the dire consequences for Nature of our…